

Deconstruction is a post-structuralist philosophical theory related originally to the reading and interpreting of texts. It ignores the referential theory of language; language is not seen as a neutral tool that matches up beliefs, feelings, and thoughts to the outside world; rather it is seen as a thing in itself, as capable of creating our thoughts and feelings as it is reflecting them - the idea of the referent as distinct and separate, entirely unlinked, to the signifier is rejected. The origin of "deconstruction" is an intentionally informed collision of the words "construction" and "destruction" representing the idea of the process of theoretically taking apart a text and then putting it back together again. The deconstruction of a text does not aim to render it meaningless; instead, the goal is to probe and extend the potential meanings of it in order to better understand it. The purpose of this recording is to situate our contemporary music production in relation to these issues that inform it. Despite current cultural claims as to the presentness of this juncture, with its attendant ambition to agency and instrumentality, the issues of current concern are perhaps best understood in relation to a long trajectory of rejections, inversions and continuances. To expose the historic condition that underlies contemporary projects this recording presents a triangulation of timely and (seemingly) archaic topics. In an attempt to cast the possibilities (and limits) of the moment, we have constructed three arcs of collision. 1. Illuminate Compositions-An informative examination of light-A study of light will split it apart-Refraction is necessary to discovery. 2. A Small Collection of Interpreters and their Interpretations-Here, light is refracted-Prisms dangle and colors divide. 3. You our Subjective Listener-Exploring specific tensions and instabilities-Questioning the priority of things which are set up as original, natural, and/or self-evident-Attending to how texts subvert, exceed, or even overturn their author's stated purposes-To examine the "rhetoricity" of the work, the reliance on rhetorical figures and figurative language-Reveal and subvert the tacit metaphysical presuppositions of thought-A play of internal counter-forces, disseminates into an indefinite range of self-conflicting significations. We offer this in hopes that your life tears it apart and puts it back together and/or that it tears apart your life and puts it back together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
[url=http://ibtszeaa.com/bgmj/hvyd.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://wzvpwfmu.com/iwcp/pgft.html]Cool site[/url]

September 15, 2006 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
My homepage | Please visit

September 15, 2006 10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
http://ibtszeaa.com/bgmj/hvyd.html | http://szpghizj.com/qqel/bqsk.html

September 15, 2006 10:29 PM  

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